Are We Listening? (Lent Devotion) - Friday, April 12

Are We Listening?

For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. (Job 33:14)

On a recent trip to Alaska, I met several Native elders from a number of Alaskan villages. There was one Alaskan man who stood out. He was small in stature, humble, and legally blind. The part I found to be especially unique about this man - he was a great spiritual listener.

On the first day, I approached the man to learn more about his people and culture. Before I could ask a question, he said to me: “I have been looking for you, I was told by Him that you would be here. He wants me to tell you something.”

I met his comment with much skepticism, but also eagerness and curiosity. He went on to say, “He told me you think too much, and this thinking is getting in the way of you hearing from Him.” I was shocked!

That evening, I walked to my hotel pondering his words. What did he mean, I think too much? As I got closer to the hotel, I saw a tree that had fallen over some time ago and made a natural bench that overlooked a frozen lake. I sat near the water and begin to pray, asking God what it meant to not think.

As I was sitting there quietly, I became impatient and decided to ask God about my upcoming speaking engagement instead. I was thinking too much and stopped listening. Message received, God!

Often, we are too busy with the worldly things going on around us. We are too concerned with life, our children, our work, and we wonder why we don’t hear God when we pray. I pray all of you take the time to go to a peaceful place, open your spiritual eyes and spiritual ears, and listen. God is there. He loves each of us and wants to talk, we just need to listen.

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your love and grace. I am humbled by your love for me. I pray we would all live our lives for you. Our lives and the work we do is nothing compared to what You give freely to those who accept Your Son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. Father, I pray, you would help all your children learn to listen for You and that you would continue to give us your grace, mercy, and love. I pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kevin Maulson (Lac du Flambeau)
Phoenix, Arizona


This Week in Native American News (4/11/19): Reviving Old Plants, Reliving Old Atrocities, and Carving new Futures


The Invisible (Lent Devotion) - Thursday, April 11