Calm in the Storm - Lent 2020

Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Matthew 8:26

It seems there is more random violence in our society today. The news of another random mass shooting seems more frequent. This can often leave us uncomfortable and anxious. The question becomes, “How safe is our world?” And our conclusion might be – not very.

At times, the news of tragic events adds to the inner storm we feel in our hearts and minds, and we get overwhelmed. But take heart, there is good news. We have someone who we to run to in times like this. He is Jesus, the Savior of the world. He is the only one who is able to calm us when the violent news overwhelms us.

Jesus calms our hearts like he calmed the storm. In Matthew 8, the disciples are crossing a lake when a furious storm comes up. The waves began to sweep over the boat. My imagination tells me the boat was probably bobbing wildly about, almost tipping at times. The disciples are frightened and run to Jesus, waking him and saying, “'Lord, save us! We’re going to drown.' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” (Matthew 8:25-26)

“Completely calm,” it says. Jesus can calm the storms of our hearts and our lives completely, but this is only possible because Jesus came and was born a man, lived among us, died, and rose again. We have a risen Savior who defeated not only physical death but eternal death, as well. With his promises to be with us always (Matthew 28:20) and with the Holy Spirit as our comforter and guide (John 16:7, 13) in this chaotic world, we can be calm.

During this Lent season, let us be renewed and encouraged knowing we can take the Words and promise of Jesus and let them be our comfort, strength, and peace in life.

Dear Jesus, thank you for coming into our world and dying for us so we can have a life with you here in this world and in the next. Thank you for being the only one who can help us when our lives become overwhelming. Amen.

Linda Martin (Cree)
Niverville, Manitoba


Go with the Wind - Lent 2020


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