John 1:14 - "We Saw His Star"

"We Saw His Star"

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory. ..." (John 1:14, ESV)

How is it the scribes and chief priests could know the Scriptures well enough to tell the wise men where the Christ was to be born but could not see the light of the star? When light shines in darkness, instantly our eyes are drawn to it— unless we are blind.

Before Jesus’ birth, Scripture and history tell us of the pervasive dark days of God’s people. After being the chosen people, blessed beyond measure by God, they found themselves captives to the Romans, oppressed because of rebellion against their Creator.

That’s what sin does to us. It blinds us to God’s goodness. It leaves us hopeless and helpless, feeling our way in the darkness of our self-made prison. We are left worshiping dead idols of our own making.

“Where is he who was born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:2). What humility these men of means from a different faith and culture showed: to be excited to travel as far as it took to prostrate themselves and deliver expensive gifts to a baby they understood to be of special birth.

Who can say what hearts the Spirit of God will move upon? Who fully understands the depth of love the Father has for His wayward children? Like the apostle Paul says, “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). Only Jesus can, who humbled Himself to become a man and die for our sins. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5).

The darkness of the world has not overcome the light that is Jesus. In humility, we can still follow the star. We can bow down to the Babe in the manger, the Savior of the world, our Redeemer and King. We can give the gift of gratitude and rejoice in His goodness now into eternity!

Father, we praise You for Your goodness toward us in sending Your Son, Jesus, who lights our path and saves us from our sin. Keep us in Your care. In His name we pray, Amen.

- Rosemary Sternbeck, Fairbanks, Alaska

It is with deep appreciation that we rejoice as generous volunteers, donors and supporters work side-by-side with us to help us proclaim the life-changing message of the Gospel in Native American communities through North America.


Luke 2:11 - God Is Not Silent!


Ephesians 1:4-5 - No Standing In Line