He is RISEN!: Easter Sunday, April 16

 “He is not here; he has risen!”
Luke 24:6 (NIV)

There was so much fear, anxiety, doubt, and confusion from the people who were present on that first morning of the resurrection of Jesus.

The guards, for example, were so afraid of the angel that they shook and became like dead men. The women who went into the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus wondered what had happened. They were frightened when the angel appeared to them and said, “Jesus is not here.” Then, they hurried away from the tomb, afraid, yet filled with joy (Matthew 28:4, 8). The disciples did not believe the women who came to tell them that Jesus had risen. But Peter and another disciple ran to the tomb to check.  Peter left the tomb wondering what happened after he saw the strips of linen lying there. (Luke 24: 4, 5, 11, 12).

Yet in all of this, the main message was:  “He has risen, He is not here” (Mark 16:6, Luke 24:6). 

The message that “He has risen” still stands today.  The Jesus we serve today is alive.  This is the message we are called to proclaim to the Nations, and this is the hope that we stand on as we consistently face difficult situations.  There is fear, anxiety, doubt, and confusion just like on that morning of the resurrection, but we have the assurance today that we can overcome them as we stand on the message that “He has risen” and “He is alive!!” 

Those who were there that first morning went on to do great things for Jesus.

I encourage you, this Easter Sunday, to call on Jesus, the risen Savior and Lord, to help you face whatever difficult situation you are going through and to lead you to a life devoted to Him. 

Dear Jesus, thank you so much that you rose from the dead.  Thank you that you have made a way for us to have victory in life because you are alive.  Help us to understand this in a new way today.  Help us begin to live this out in a new way.  In your name, Amen.

Linda Martin (Cree)
Manitoba, Canada


You are Never Alone: Easter Monday, April 17


Forsaken, So You Never Will Be: Holy Saturday, April 15