Finished! (Lent Devotion) - Friday, April 19 (Good Friday)

Lord Jesus, keep us in the assurance that because you said, “It is finished,” we know that we have forgiveness of sins and eternal life with you. Heavenly Father, give us the courage to tell others of the glory that lies ahead for all your children. Thank you for all you have endured to put us right again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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They Need to Know - Jesus Died for All

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him should have everlasting life.”

 That’s a message Native people need to hear every day, and it’s the work to which you and I have been called, whether or the front lines or in our communities.

Your gift to Lutheran Indian Ministries provides a message of human love from our ministry staff and, more importantly, supernatural love from the Creator God who made them Native, whose endless and unfaltering love is salvation for people of all colors and cultures.

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Kansas/Haskell LIGHT LIM Kansas/Haskell LIGHT LIM

Son or Shadow Watching? (Lent Devotion) - Tuesday, April 16

Father, God of Light, in whom no darkness dwells, thank you for sending your only Son to take us out of the shadows and into your Light. Help us to live as people who love and follow Jesus, the radiance of your glory, the true light of the world. Guide us as we shine that light into the lives of others who are still lost in the darkness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Preparing for Holy Week (Lent Devotion) - Saturday, April 13

As we enter the Holy Week, take time to read the passion and resurrection of Jesus in its entirety.

All four books of the Gospel tell the story but each with a different emphasis, based on the author and the message.

This year, we recommend reading John's version (beginning at John 12:12), which focuses on the exaltation of Jesus, how he remains in charge, driving all the action, completing the will of the Father, and being glorified as He is lifted up.

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Arizona/Phoenix LIM Arizona/Phoenix LIM

Are We Listening? (Lent Devotion) - Friday, April 12

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your love and grace. I am humbled by your love for me. I pray we would all live our lives for you. Our lives and the work we do is nothing compared to what You give freely to those who accept Your Son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. Father, I pray, you would help all your children learn to listen for You and that you would continue to give us your grace, mercy, and love. I pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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