Kansas/Haskell LIGHT LIM Kansas/Haskell LIGHT LIM

A Time for Healing

 “It was very dark around the campus that day.”

The word spread across the Haskell Indian Nations University campus – a student had taken their own life. The story was heart-wrenching. Another young person lost to the despair, anger, and hopelessness that is always lurking in the shadows of Native lives.

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Hope is Expecting the Best & Perservering Until You Get There (Monday Morning Devotion - Week 3)

Like the writer of Lamentations, we can look back at all God has done for us in the past and take hope in knowing that God won’t give up on us now. “[The Lord’s] compassions never fail. They are new every morning...” (Lamentations 3:22-23)  We aren’t just optimistic that the best is yet to come. Like Mary, we can have hope that the best is yet to come because our God says it is, and He always keeps His word. 

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