Rebuild: Faith for the Reservations, Devo 3 - Monday Morning Devotion

This series focuses on praying for our Native American brothers and sisters, particularly those living on reservations.

[These devotions come from Jesus Culture's "Faith for Your City" Devotion Series with some alterations]

Need to start at the beginning? Read Week 1 here.


Read Isaiah 61

"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devasted; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." Isaiah 61:4)

Jesus used this passage from Isaiah when He began His public ministry (Luke 4:18) and began His Kingdom work.

Now, as followers of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, we are called and empowered to continue Jesus' work by expanding His Kingdom throughout the world. God has anointed and qualified you to bring the Good News to the brokenhearted.

Few groups in the U.S. are as brokenhearted as the Native peoples. 

We were created to overflow with the presence of God and transform those around us.

If you were lost in a dark cave with a group of people, it would take just one small light to quell the fear and chaos of those around you. And just as Paul understood the power of the light within him, and decided to shine that light to his fellow prisoners through worshipping and singing, we are to share our light with those lost in the darkness.

Scripture tells us that when Paul and Silas were singing, "Suddenly there was a violent earthquake, which shook the prison to its foundations. At once all the doors opened, and the chains fell off all the prisoners." (Acts 16:26)

Native Americans, overall, suffer from the highest rates of poverty, disease, incarceration, and suicide of any demographic group and yet, to many, they are a forgotten race - simply people who lived long ago, who we learn about in history class. 

Native people are alive. They are hurting. They need the Light.

We were created to shine our light into this dark world and liberate people from their chains. When we worship and overflow with the goodness of God, it has the power to literally set people free to experience God's mercy and love.

Just as God commanded the Israelites, we are to "rebuild cities that have long been in ruins." (Isaiah 61:4) You have been commissioned by God to partner with Him and discover the ways He wants to rebuild Native communities, particularly those close to you, and bring hope to those who need it.



Jesus, help me discover how I can help You in the work you are already doing to rebuild and bless [your reservation/city] I choose to see the beauty of the Native peoples and their cultures instead of the ashes. I choose to bring joy and hope to reservations through my prayers, words, and actions instead of more mourning and heaviness. Teach me how to rejoice in You, shining my light into the darkness. Help me to see Your heart for the Native people of [your reservation/city] so I can help to lead them to peace and victory in You.

(Devotion 4: Big Dreams)


Warrior Boxing - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday


Luke 5:26 FNV