Advent: What's Next? - Tuesday, December 31

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

If we believe, as Christians, that the Bible is 100% fact, then this single verse should light a fire within us. If we believe that Jesus is the way, and the only way to come to the Father is through Him, we cannot sit around while our brothers and sisters are lost in the dark.

If your friend were lost in a dark cave and you knew how to get him out, would you simply hope and pray that he would figure it out? Or would you walk into the cave with a lantern (Psalm 119:105) and lead your friend to freedom (John 8:32)?

At its very core, this is what Lutheran Indian Ministries does for our Native brothers and sisters. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and the support of amazing people, like you, we lead Native men, women, and children into the light of eternal life.

We all have been called to mission work - in our homes and communities - to share the Word of God and make disciples of all nations. It is a scary process because we fear rejection, but when we commit to the work God has put before us and follow his will, we cannot fail.

As you go forth this new year, I challenge you to use this verse from John to motivate your mission work in your every day life. Because, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.

Dear Lord, protect and guide us in the upcoming year. Show us where you need us to spread your joy to those living in the darkness. Protect us from the fear and uncertainty the enemy will try to make us believe is truth. And strengthen us in our faith and our commitment to your kingdom. Amen.

Vicar Rick McCafferty (Inupiaq & Cherokee)
Vancouver, Washington & Anchorage, Alaska


Serving God & Sharing Hope in 2020 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Advent: Landscapes - Monday, December 30