Big & Bold New Year

Happy New Year!

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Did you create a list of the things that you would do, or stop doing, in 2019?

Did you make big, audacious goals for the upcoming year or did you play it safe and make your list easy to manage?

Sometimes, we shy away from making big and bold resolutions because they are hard and scary. But we know our God is BIG and wants to do BIG things for his Kingdom.

In Job 26:14, we read, “These are just the beginning of all that he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of his power?”

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we know just a whisper of the things that God has done and a glimmer of what He has in store for us. Yet, through faith, we know his capacity is limitless.

My resolution this year for Lutheran Indian Ministries is big and bold and a little scary because it forces us to rely on God to do what only He can do – open hearts to Jesus. I pray we reach more Native people with the Gospel message than ever before. And I pray you will walk with us on this journey because your support of our ministry is critical to achieving our vision. Together, we can be Jesus’ hands and feet to our Native brothers and sisters.

As we walk by faith, we see God using our work to do his will.

In Phoenix, Kevin Maulson has been called by God to serve and minister to the homeless Native community. His holistic approach to ministry provides for the physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing of an ever-increasing number of Native Americans who come to him for help.

Bob Prue and the LIGHT House ministry team at Haskell Indian Nations University reach out to the Native students on campus. The ministry center provides students with a quiet place to study and a safe place to tell their stories of addiction and abuse, of pain and sadness. Attendance at Sunday afternoon Bible study, where students receive a message and a meal, is bursting at the seams. Bob texted me recently to tell me, “We need more room.” Praise God!

Wherever Lutheran Indian Ministries is engaged in outreach with Native people, the stories are the same. Our ministry is growing, almost daily it seems. And it is because of your gifts, and the amazing incomprehensible power of our Father to use those gifts, that this is possible.

But there is still much to do!

God’s plan is never stagnant. God won’t be satisfied to see only 5% of the Native population in Heaven! He wants each and every one of his children, all nations and tribes, standing before his throne.

He has placed, in our hearts, a passion to reach more Native men, women, and children for Christ. He has called us to dream of the day when our Native brothers and sisters will heal from the pain of historic trauma and the suffering of intergenerational abuse.

Today, I am asking for your help in achieving the BIG, BOLD, TRUST-FILLED goal God has placed on our hearts. Will you make it your resolutions to place Lutheran Indian Ministries as a priority in 2019? And will you show it with a committed monthly gift plan or an additional donation beyond your normal giving?

Please prayerfully consider getting the New Year off to a great start by sending a gift right now so we can begin to fulfill the BIG and BOLD promises God has made to Native peoples.

We are grateful for your prayers and the partnership we share. We are richly blessed by your faithful support of Native ministry done through Lutheran Indian Ministries.

May the Lord bless you and keep you always in His tender, loving care.

 In Him,

 Tim Young Eagle (Pawnee)
Executive Director

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)

We are ready, thanks to the opportunities God has put in our path along with your gift, to bring those living in the land of the shadow of death to the place where dawn awaits them. 

We are ready to make 2019 our most amazing ministry year ever and to see Native people come to Christ like never before.

Are you ready to be a part of this adventure?

Your yes to God’s vision for Native ministry will help make it happen and bring the light of Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection to Native peoples across the country. 

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(Make a one-time gift)


This Week in Native American News (1/18/19): running, holistic health, changing tourism, and a raven


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