A Broken Spirit and a Contrite Heart He will not Despise! - Psalm 51:17

Monday March 7

 A Broken Spirit and a Contrite Heart He will not Despise! - Psalm 51:17 (ESV)

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” 


Lent is a season that intentionally asks each one of us to examine our hearts. Is it unable to forgive, anger, or bitterness towards others? Or maybe I have wronged others deeply or hurt others deeply but hardened my heart and refuse to acknowledge my part.  If our hearts are broken because we finally understand the depth of the wrong we have done and the pain we have caused, God will not turn away from us.  It is this contrite spirit that God is looking for.  The Psalmist found this out.

God, in His amazing love for us, in His mercy and grace, responded to this brokenness when He sent His Son Jesus to die for you and me.  The good news gets even better.  Jesus’ death took the punishment for all the wrongs we have done.  Jesus died a criminal’s death as He hung on that cross with two criminals.  This punishment of death to Jesus freed you and me to reach this amazing love God the Creator extends to us.

Today if you are feeling like you are beyond receiving forgiveness for something you have done, take courage.  Jesus, whose death and resurrection we are remembering, died for you and took the place of your punishment.  Humble yourself and accept and believe this amazing truth.

 Dear God;
Thank you for this amazing truth of forgiveness that is ours if we are truly contrite in our heart.  Help us to believe and live in this truth.  Thank you, 
Jesus, for taking the place of my punishment for all the wrong I have done. 
In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.


Linda Martin - Manitoba, Canada


Turning Fear into Faith - Acts 10:39-41


Issues of the Heart - Matthew 6:21