Giving Back & "Making it Real"

Kevin Maulson writes:

 It was amazing to watch "the once homeless give back to the still homeless".

 We started working with the homeless Native population in Mesa at the end of June in 2018, as of today, we have taken more than 40 Native American people off the streets and placed them in Residential Treatment Centers around the Phoenix Metro area. When they go to these homes, we stay in contact with them assisting them with hygiene, clothing, state and tribal ID's, finding employment, transporting them to and from appointments and hopefully finding them permanent housing. 

 These people frequent our bible studies and Sunday services, where they get a good dose of God's word and a home cooked meal each week. It is not without the grace of God and your generous contributions that make this possible. 

 January 4th we took to the streets to distribute hoodies, socks, and hygiene bags. We called it “Making It Real.” What I find to be the most amazing part of our "Making it Real" campaign is that those who distributed the items are mostly new believers, and 3-4 months ago many of them were on the streets receiving these same gifts. Today, they are alcohol and drug free, returning to the same streets they came from to be an example and share their testimony.

 Their experiences have opened my eyes to the many misconceptions of those who live on the streets. Much to my surprise, God is a big part of the homeless way of life. The homeless pray, cry out to the Lord, ask God for help, and want to be part of society today. It’s amazing to watch as new believers in Christ help their brothers and sisters. It was a great day of testimony and sharing God’s Word.


Happy New Year from Navajo


Me, Myself, & I: Week 1 - Monday Morning Devotions