Living By Faith: A Time for Peace - Monday Morning Summer Devotion Series - Week 8

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To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Social distancing and self-isolation was hard! I love my family and the time we were allowed together, but I was excited when Washington state began to re-open.

That being said, in the midst of my quarantine, I began to think God wanted us to use this time to be alone with Him. To be still and know that He is God. Up until a few months ago, we lived in a world constantly on the go. To many, busy was a badge of honor; rest was a sign of weakness. And yet, God rested on the seventh day. Jesus knew the importance of the Sabbath day and regularly sought quiet time with the Father. He knew to turn to the God who always wins, who always loves, and who works all things for good for the sake of those who love Him. This extended quiet time was an opportunity to rest quietly with God and to seek Him first.

 States might be opening, but difficult days aren’t going away anytime soon. So, what is stopping us from real, heart-felt, honest prayer? What is stopping us from listening to God’s answer? Fear. Despite the heartbreak of death and hate, we are comfortable in our own little boxes. Stepping out of that box is scary, because God might actually ask us to do something about the pain we see in the world. God doesn’t just speak to us during the one hour a week we sit in a pew and are fed His Word. Ministry happens in our daily lives, with our next-door neighbors. It happens when we act as Jesus’ hands and feet to those He puts in our path.

Perhaps you took this time at home and really strengthened your prayer life and are ready to share God’s love in all the ways He has shown you. Amazing! We can’t wait to hear the great things God does with your life! Or maybe you drifted from God in the past months. It’s not too late. You don’t need a Stay-at-Home order to take time to turn to your Heavenly Father and spend time listening to Him.

 Dear God, you know my heart. You know where I have been and what I have felt during this uncertain time in the world. Help me to turn to You, to take time for rest and conversation with You, and most importantly, help me to listen to your Words. Amen.

Rick McCafferty
Vancouver, Washington

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