Our Darkest Hour - Lent 2020

“My God my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Matthew 27:46

It is hard for us to imagine what Jesus went through when he died alone on the cross. The suffering he had to endure. The complete abandonment of God. But what is often overlooked is that it is in Jesus’ darkest hour when God is doing his most important work. It was during this darkest hour God was reconciling himself to us.

God allows us to go through hard times. Of course, our trials are nowhere near the same as what Jesus went through on the cross, but Jesus has called us to walk through our own suffering in order to find new life in him. In the process, do not miss that it is the hard things in life, not the easy, which teach us the most valuable lessons. God wants to build us into people of deep and real character so we, too, can accomplish the purpose he has uniquely created for us, just as Jesus had a unique and important purpose only he could accomplish.

Thinking about this reminds me of Mervin, a Cree man from northern Canada. He was recently voted in as chief of his very large tribe. It has thousands of members, and he now oversees the large areas of land that mining companies and others are competing after. His people are looking to him for leadership in the midst of many complicated problems on his reserve. On top of this, there is much grief, pain, and hopelessness within his tribe.

Mervin did not start as Chief. He had to overcome many obstacles before ever becoming a leader. By fifteen, he had become an alcoholic due to abuse he experienced as a boy. But with God’s help and grace, he came to faith in Christ and went on to serve as a pastor for many years. It was his willingness to work through his many deep emotional wounds that Mervin was able to become the man of God and great character he is today.

My question for you is this: What is God calling you to? Remember God is all-powerful but also, he is your loving father. He may allow a dark hour in your life to teach you something you could not otherwise learn. Trust him. He will bring you through and be waiting for you on the other side. He has a unique purpose for your life and is preparing you for something only you can do.

Dear Lord, I know you have created me uniquely and you may take me through hard things to teach me deep and meaningful truths. Lord, give me the strength to keep walking so I can become the person you have called me to be and accomplish the purpose you have for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rick Martin
Niverville, Manitoba


Forsaken So You Never Will Be - Lent 2020


Do not Grieve - Lent 2020