The Making of Spiritual Warrior - Week 6 - Monday Morning Devotions

Begin at Week 1

Good morning and welcome to Daily Chapel - today's focus is on 'The Making of a Spiritual Warrior.' The Spiritual Warrior is much like a soldier who is on night duty - like a watchman who attempts to stay awake spiritually and be on his/her guard against the wicked schemes of the enemies of God. A Spiritual Warrior is strengthened through prayer, meditation on God's Sacred Word, as well as through the trials and sufferings in this world.

Please allow God's Spirit to speak to you as you listen to Psalm 119, beginning with verse 145.

145 I call with all my heart; answer me, O Lord, and I will obey your decrees.
146 I call out to you; save me and I will keep your statutes.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.
148 My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.
149 Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, O Lord, according to your laws.
150 Those who devise wicked schemes are near, but they are far from your law.
151 Yet you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true.
152 Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever.

The Spiritual Warrior is sometimes described as a runner who must complete his/her race. As one competes he/she must follow the rules so that one is not disqualified. As you might have heard yesterday - the Spiritual Warrior is a believer in Jesus Christ and therefore uses the laws, decrees, statues of God as a road map to follow, to stay on track, not to earn salvation but rather to honor God with one's life.

Jesus Christ is the Spiritual Warrior who has completed His race through His living the perfect life, suffering in our place, and dying on the cross to pay for the sin of the world. He then rose victoriously, forty days later ascended into heaven and now reigns in glory. He will come again and will share his glory with all those who have completed their race - keeping their faith in him till their last breath or until His return.

Please pray with me: Blessed Lord, You have caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and take them to heart that, by the patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Continue to Week 7


On Solid Ground


The Making of Spiritual Warrior - Week 5 - Monday Morning Devotions