Alaska/Anchorage LIM Alaska/Anchorage LIM

As surely as the sun rises

There are so many reasons to celebrate!

Spring is just around the corner in Alaska!

As I write this in mid-March, we are slowly inching out of the dark winter. Living in Anchorage, we don’t have days without sun, but on our shortest day in December, we get a paltry 5 ½ hours of sun. Further north, in Barrow, the northern most city in Alaska, the sun set on November 18th and didn’t rise again for 67 days. It’s dismal and cold.

But Hosea 6:3 reminds us, “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear.” As Alaskans, we survive the winters with grit and hope and the knowledge that spring always comes eventually. Likewise, as Christians, we survive hard times with the reminder that Christ’s love and light are constants in our lives, and that out of the darkness comes light and hope. At Lutheran Indian Ministries, our job is to shine the light of the Gospel into the darkest places.

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