Alaska/Fairbanks LIM Alaska/Fairbanks LIM

Message of Light (Advent) - Thursday, December 7

Advent is such a powerful time to tell the story - the story of light coming into the darkness and overcoming it (John 1:5). It is the time when we celebrate our Savior's birth and look forward to His second coming. He is the true light, which enlightens everyone and has come into the world (John 1:9). This is the story many Native people need to hear.

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Alaska/Fairbanks LIM Alaska/Fairbanks LIM

Thank You, Stranger

Thank you, Stranger.

I don't know who you are, but I know that without your prayers and donations to Lutheran Indian Ministries, I would not be where I am today. I know that you are the one who allows LIM's ministry staff to work all over the country to help Native people, of all nations, learn about the love and mercy and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father and the salvation we have through his Son, Jesus. Your support helps Native people, as a whole, to spring forward into God's glorious light.

So, thank you! And even though I don't know you, Stranger, I consider you my friend.

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Alaska/Fairbanks LIM Alaska/Fairbanks LIM

Reflections on Rural Alaska: A Volunteer Diary

The village was still asleep when our plane landed and we loaded up our gear. I stood on the edge of the airstrip looking at the mountains and river and quiet houses around me.

I suppose my story is not unique from anyone else’s.

Every missionary has their story of falling in love with the people and the heartbreak of when they must leave.

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