Alaska/Fairbanks LIM Alaska/Fairbanks LIM

A Quick Weekend to Venetie

Most people have definite favorites when it comes to holidays. My mother’s favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. She loved to cook and have all of her kids gathered together. Unlike Christmas, with its expectations and anxieties, she could relax in her element. For others, one season bleeds seamlessly into the next with thankfulness for all of our earthly needs being met along with celebrating the joy of our salvation, Jesus our Lord.

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Alaska/Fairbanks LIM Alaska/Fairbanks LIM

Message of Light (Advent) - Thursday, December 7

Advent is such a powerful time to tell the story - the story of light coming into the darkness and overcoming it (John 1:5). It is the time when we celebrate our Savior's birth and look forward to His second coming. He is the true light, which enlightens everyone and has come into the world (John 1:9). This is the story many Native people need to hear.

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