Nebraska/Winnebago LIM Nebraska/Winnebago LIM

While We Wait for Blessed Hope - Lent 2020

People are the same the world over. And yet God loves all people. While God loves all people, He still hates sin. He is just and does not merely look the other way. Someone must (and already did) pay the price. Jesus, the Son of God, suffered so people of every tribe, nation, and language could seek His mercy and receive His grace.

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Nebraska/Winnebago LIM Nebraska/Winnebago LIM

Confession and Absolution - Week 5 (Monday Morning Devotions)

It is hard, but so good, to hear words of confession from our own mouth, and from the mouth and heart of someone who has hurt us. Relationships begin to be rebuilt when we truly own who we are as sinful people, accept and give the forgiveness of Jesus that is for us and lives through us, and then, through presence, truly understand what that forgiveness does for us.

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Nebraska/Winnebago LIM Nebraska/Winnebago LIM

Confession and Absolution - Week 4 (Monday Morning Devotions)

It is quite easy to know the difference between right and wrong, actually, God's Word states that the Law is written on our hearts. It is quite different to admit to our own failures to do what is right. In the first part, confession, though difficult, is necessary.

The second part, accepting that one's sin is forgiven, is just as necessary, and at times, just as difficult.

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