A Lesson From Eagles (Lent) - Saturday, March 10

He wants us to get out of our nests, out of our comfort zones to spread our wings. Sometimes, we’re afraid to do so, because we fear failing or not getting it just right.

It all comes down to trust. As the baby eaglet trusted its parents to keep him from hitting the ground, how much more should we trust in our Heavenly Father who loves us so much and is always there to scoop us up in His hands when we stumble or fall? Our Creator wants us to trust him. His word teaches us to trust him, and His word never returns void.  

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Let's Refocus (Advent) - Saturday, December 16

Almost immediately, the tears of sadness were replaced with tears of happiness.  People started realizing that this time of year was about each and every one of them as individuals, that God loves them, and that He is with them.  As people refocused on Jesus and took their eyes off of all the things that man has created for this time of year, they finally began to see why we celebrate the birth of God’s Son, Jesus. 

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