Live Unafraid - Lent 2020 - Happy Easter!

Then Jesus came to them and said,
”All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.”
Matthew 28:18

Since Sarah and I have moved to Alaska and began to live out our dreams of serving as missionaries among Alaska Natives, there have been moments of uncertainty. Obstacles, tests of faith, tough questions, and sometimes even doubts come with this calling. I don’t always feel as prepared as I want to be for this task. I’m sure, too, that you feel this way sometimes. The worries of the world and feelings of unworthiness nag at our hearts and tempt us with excuses to avoid action. Thankfully, there is a truth that shines a light over the darkness of fear found in Matthew 28:18.

If Jesus has all authority, then why am I afraid? As Jesus was entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he saw the celebrations and was welcomed openly. Sadly, he knew what was to transpire throughout the week. He knew on Friday those same people would be calling for his crucifixion. As a man, Jesus had emotions and was aware of the pain to come. He could have changed his course. After all, they wanted to make him king. Instead, he continued on and fulfilled his purpose on earth. As the Son of God, he knew the absolute truth of what his life, death, and resurrection would accomplish. Jesus conquered death, and therefore we can live unafraid.

Rest assured, brothers and sisters, the call to action is real! Do not let fear have authority over you or prevent you from following God’s call on your life. He conquered death, he speaks truth to quell our fears, and he reminds us he will always be with each of us. When in doubt, remember, we are explicitly told God uses the people, who the world considers weak and foolish, to fulfill his plans.

Everyone, even a retired firefighter and outdoorsman or a teacher and avid book enthusiast in Fairbanks can be used for His glory. Your office, your workbench, your car, or your house can be the starting point. We can all say together: “I’ve been caught in the excuses for too long, I’ve lived for myself, I’m done with the lies, and I’m ready… SEND ME!”

Heavenly Father, you created me perfectly to serve your purpose. Whether it’s a conversation at the store or witnessing to others at work, please guide me as I seek out your will in every situation and use the skills you have given me to be a witness to your undying love. Help me to trust that you have conquered death, and I no longer have any reason to fear or feel inadequate. Yes, yes, it shall be so.

Nathan Milan
Fairbanks, Alaska


Serving God & Sharing Hope - Lent 2020


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