Take Heart - Lent 2020

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

We are a bit spoiled. We know how this story ends. We know that Christ rises from the dead, the Holy Spirit is sent, and Christ promises to return yet again. Knowing the ending can be a great comfort. The assurance of God’s grace and our ability to come to God the Father because of Christ’s sacrifice is an unparalleled blessing.

At the same time, if we skip right to the ending, we lose some understanding of what it was like to be a follower of Christ in those uncertain days. While Christ was with them, miracles abounded, people were healed and fed. Then, suddenly, their leader was arrested, falsely convicted, and killed. The believers were so frightened that when Christ returned, He found them hiding behind locked doors!

After His resurrection and during his time of teaching, Christ explained that we will have trouble in this world. Some trouble comes innately because we live in a fallen world. Other times, trouble finds us because we follow Christ. He counseled that everyone must be willing to set aside everything of value: family, possessions, career, everything. Instead, we are to take up our cross and follow Him (Matt. 16:24-26). Oh, how easy that sounds in theory, but how challenging it is to put into practice!

We can be thankful for our reassurance that Christ’s resurrection guarantees the grace we receive when we, like Peter who denied Christ, screw it all up. We can return to God, repent, gratefully accept His grace, and continue on.

This Lenten season, let us ponder the enormity of our calling to lift up our cross and to follow Him. These words are full of action. And that action will likely look different for each one of us. How can we encourage each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those in uniquely challenging situations? What does it mean to choose the path of Christ, turn from former lifestyles, and begin a new journey?

Heavenly Father, we need your grace every day as we imperfectly attempt to follow your call on our lives. Please strengthen our resolve in the face of trouble. Help us to “count it all as loss” and to focus our hearts and minds on you (Philippians 3:8). Help us to encourage one another toward a closer relationship with You. Amen.

Sarah Milan
Fairbanks, Alaska


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