Doing Things that Matter: What's Your Story - Monday Morning Devotions (Week 6)

If you become a person who has a life full of doing things that matter then that will be your story. You only have one life to live, and no one is responsible for it but you. He calls us out of the mundane and mediocre and He beckons us to experience life to the full.

What if you allowed the seemingly impossible to become possible?

What if every day you made choices that caused you to live differently?

What if you loved God and others with reckless abandon and a selfless heart?

What if you never allowed fear to stop you?

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Doing Things that Matter: Lead Courageously - Monday Morning Devotions (Week 5)

Many chase leadership in the form of greater esteem, larger titles, and bigger paychecks. But we need leaders who are looking to be gripped by what stirs the heart of God and to faithfully and courageously give themselves to that cause, no matter what it costs. On one occasion the disciples argued about which one of them would be the greatest and Jesus used that moment to revolutionize the idea of greatness and leadership by grabbing the servant towel and washing their feet.

Leadership is not about people following you.

Leadership is about you following God.

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