Return to Poi - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday

Daniel Anthony, Native Hawaiian says, " I am a cultural entrepreneur. I don't sell culture, I help other people value it."

He tells a story of reconnecting to our ancestral foods. Find out how an indigenous food was once considered illicit, and how it heals a community.

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Re-Imagining & Humanizing Natives - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday

Another long video, but worth the 18 minutes of your day.

Matika Wilbur is in the midst of Project 562, an effort to photograph members of all federally recognized tribes in the US (though now there are a few more).

Her goal in this project is to show the human side of Native Americans, tell their stories, and highlight the issues they face. She hopes to spread a message of hope and pride to the next generation of Native Americans through a re-imagined on Natives in the media.

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Supaman Entertains in Bozeman - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday

If you've never heard of Supaman, you are in for a treat.

This dancer, hip hop artist, flute player, and aspiring comedian is a member of the Apsaalooke Nation. Christian Takes Gun Parrish or “Supaman” lives on the Crow reservation in Montana. He has dedicated his life to empowering youth and educating listeners with a message of hope through culture and music.

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America's Native Prisoners - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday

Coming in at 15 minutes, this video is a little longer, but worth the time to sit down and watch from beginning to end. It is both interesting and educational.

Aaron Huey's TedX Talk about American's Native Prisoners of War highlights his time as a photographer on the Pine Ridge Reservation, the mistreatment of Natives throughout history, and the current reality of life on the reservation.

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