Ask the Right Questions - Week 4 (Monday Morning Devotion)

I read somewhere that Jesus asked around 300 questions in the New Testament. Almost every time Jesus asked a question, He was trying to help people grow spiritually and take the next step toward change. Sound familiar?

It’s way easier and faster to just tell people what you think they need to know. But, if you can follow Jesus’ model and make the switch from "instructor" to "inquirer," you'll notice your conversations evolve into incubators for spiritual growth.

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Creating Change - Week 3 (Monday Morning Devotion)

As a Christ follower, you have a unique advantage. You don't have to rely on your ability to come up with good ideas, or even the perfect questions. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive in you and the person you’re coaching. If they're willing to allow that Spirit to do what He does, all we have to do is ask, listen, and invite Him to do His work.

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